Posts Tagged ‘Knob and Tube Wiring’


Remodeling a Home With Knob-and-Tube Wiring? What Should You Know?

Historic homes can offer a number of unique and aesthetically pleasing options simply not found in more modern homes—from wood trim around your doorways and staircases to built-in bookcases, pantries, and even secret passageways.

However, homes built before the 1930s or so can also boast some outdated components. From knob-and-tube wiring to lead-lined water pipes, outdated technology can limit your ability to upgrade or even replace certain appliances if not updated.

Fortunately, upgrading your home’s wiring doesn’t need to be a complicated or cost-prohibitive process. Read on to learn more about the intricacies of knob-and-tube (K&T) wiring and what you’ll need to consider when upgrading your historic home’s wiring system.

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Chadwick Electric Services